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Finally we had a project that required us to design and construct a model house. This meant we had to CAD a floor plan of our house and include things that we had researched about in the library the other day on houses and architectural designs. After we finished the digital version we would then have to make a model using wood to create the structure such as the the studs and joists. Over the Period we encountered some issues such as the solidworks expiration over the break making us incapable to design our model. Also since we had to prepare everything else in our G drive to hand in it made us tight for time to design the house so it could be handed in with everything else in our G drive. Because the productivity was moving a little slow we had to pair up an since we had a odd number of students I didn't have a partener. Since everybody in the class had to make it out of wood we eventually ran out of wood making it difficult to continue. Our solution to this was to download a hotfix to continue Solidworks to allow us to design however my laptop rejected the hotfix and the solution was to get as much done as possible at school since the expiration had not effected the school computers.



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